The 7th Continent Playmat
This playmat is the perfect for hosting your adventure to the Continent! It won’t help your explorer in-game, but it will keep everything else safe and stylish on your tabletop!
Shipping note: due to the exorbitant cost of shipping the mat in a tube, it will instead be folded into a nice-looking box. The box will be the same size as the base game (to be neatly stored), only shorter, and whilst the mat will show small signs of being folded, the box is deep enough so as to limit unsightly traces.
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This playmat is the perfect for hosting your adventure to the Continent! It won’t help your explorer in-game, but it will keep everything else safe and stylish on your tabletop!
The mat is about 24 x 24 inches (60 cm x 60 cm or 7x7 card grid), and it's thickness is about 2 mm.
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